Twitter is a great place for readers and writers to find each other, learn about the latest releases, and chat about their challenges, triumphs, and everyday lives. That's where I ran into Jennifer Irwin, the author we're spotlighting today at the BookPound.

Originally from New York, Jennifer now lives in Los Angeles, and she has a well-rounded writing background. Having written screenplays and short stories in the past, she's now working on novels, and you can get her first novel, A Dress the Color of the Sky, at Amazon. Many thanks to Jennifer for this great interview!

Have you always enjoyed writing? If not, what prompted you to start?
Yes, my passion in school was always writing. I took the craft more seriously in college when I wrote a screenplay. It is only recently that I started writing again because I took quite a bit of time off to focus on raising my three sons.

Do you see any connections between the writing process and teaching pilates? Do you feel that these two parts of your lives intersect in any interesting ways?
When I teach Pilates, I connect with my clients on a much deeper level than just helping their bodies feel and look better. There is an element of personal sharing as well. Much of my character development for, A Dress the Color of the Sky, came from getting to know all kinds of women while teaching Pilates.

Who are some of your favorite authors? Do you get writing inspiration from certain authors or genres?
At the moment, I’m only reading books in the genre I write which is some advice I received from a literary agent. I tend to choose books based on recommendations from bloggers on Instagram or are highly ranked on Amazon so I can see what readers are drawn to. As far as my favorite authors, I have been hugely influenced by various authors during different times in my life. In my pre-teen years I loved Judy Blume. I’d say in high school and college I loved John Steinbeck, Dominick Dunne, and John Irving. Frank McCourt’s book Angela’s Ashes hit me hard and triggered an interest in the strength of the human spirit. I enjoy books where the protagonist is overcoming hardship. I love meaningful, poignant stories like House of Sand and Fog, White Oleaner, The Poisonwood Bible, and The Help. I could go on all day answering this question!

Tell us about the process of turning your novel into a feature film. Have there been any major surprises along the way? 
The only surprise is that it’s been a far slower process than I had imagined. In my mind, the process would move as fast as Reese Witherspoon when she purchases the rights to books. The producer who is making the film based on my book is not in a rush. I have absolutely nothing to update you on regarding the film other than it will happen, I just don’t know when. I am not sure how involved I will in the production process.

What's next for you as a writer?
I’m about to hunker down and write a sequel.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell Book Pound readers?

I am incredibly grateful to readers and bloggers who support indie published authors.

Want to learn more about Jennifer Irwin? Of course you do! Find her at her website or Amazon Author page, or connect with her on social media:
