Many thanks to Mariah Wilson for joining us today at the Book Pound. Mariah is a poet, and she has new poetry collection, We Walk Alone, out now (links to book sellers are at the end of the post). You can also find Mariah at her website and blog.

How long have you been writing poetry? And what made you start?

I've been writing poetry since I was ten years old. I actually started writing it because of a grade four creative writing project. I sadly don't have a copy of my first poem anymore, but somehow it involved a nun and Al Capone. 

Who are your favorite poets? What do you read for inspiration?

I love Shane Koyczan, Robert Service, John Keats, Edgar Allan Poe and Tennyson. For inspiration I read whatever I can get my hands on or I watch Shane's awesome videos on youtube.

What is your biggest challenge as a poet?

My biggest challenge as a poet is trying to get my thoughts down on paper in a way that others will be able to understand, appreciate and connect with. It's not as easy as it sounds.

What advice would you give young people who aspire to write poetry?

Read poetry. Read the old stuff. Read the new stuff. Read the weird stuff. Pay attention to the way words sound. Get feedback from people who don't know you. 

What's coming up next for you?
Right now I have two poetry collections that are unpublished. Lost in Translation is finished and is going through some fine tuning while I work toward completing the Tumblr collection. The poems in Lost in Translation are all based on words from other languages that have no English Language equivalent while the poems in the Tumblr collection all gather their inspiration from user names and other things I've read on Tumblr.  

Is there anything else you would like to tell Book Pound readers?

I have a fiction novel coming out hopefully in 2015 and I also have a couple of other novels in the works. The one coming out this year, The Demon in Him, is a contemporary romance that is a little on the darker side of things. 

Mariah E. Wilson is a writer from beautiful British Columbia. She has been published in Thin Air Magazine, Every Day Poets, The Kitchen Poet, Literary Orphans and The Corner Club Press, for which she is also now the Poetry Editor. Her first poetry collection, We Walk Alone, was published by Writers AMuse Me Publishing.

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Mariah E. Wilson
Writer. Mother. Poet. Dreamer. I've been a poet since I was ten years old. My first poem involved...
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